Case StudyCampaign Insurance Brand Strategy Advertising Creative

Tower Skylight

“Skylight” was designed to reassure Kiwis that no matter what life throws at them, Tower has their back.


Campaign Insurance


Brand Strategy Advertising Creative



On 6th Nov, Tower launched the latest iteration of its creative platform, titled “Skylight”. The campaign is centered around a couple seeking more light in their living room. By creating exaggerated events that are highly unlikely to happen, but with damage that is relatable to most people, we can create impact in the market, and ensure people remember Tower’s advertising and key benefits.

In this iteration an astronaut crashes into a roof creating an unwanted skylight. But thankfully, they’re insured with Tower, meaning their house, contents & car are insured by NZ’s General Insurer of the Year plus Canstar’s Car insurer of the year & Outstanding Value for two years running.

Since the campaign launched, Tower has had their SEVEN best online sales days TO-DATE.

Tower Skylight

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